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Kelly & Her Muses Present:
"Writing Reality Through Literary Daydreams"
The Official Author Website of Kelly Orlando

Blooking Twice Before I Post
Welcome to the blog. What: book reviews, free writing tips, inspirations for my stories, tidbits of my life, smatterings of my food blog, and my ponderings on how literature gives shape to life. Why: my blog will change the way you view and experience writing/reading. When: blog posts are monthly, likely to change to weekly soon. Where: here, on my blog page! How: remember to get comfy, grab a mug of tea/coffee/drink of choice, sit back, and enjoy the read. Or at the least, I hope my writings can offer you some comfort to you or be of some use to you. And yes for the record, the word "blooking" is a cross between blogging, books, and looking.

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